In The Time Of Social Distancing

Even though real estate was deemed an essential service, this has obviously curbed enthusiam in what was a hot spring market. Things are mostly on hold as Buyers and Sellers wait for this to clear. None of us know how long it will last or the impact it is going to make.

So, we like everyone else are starting to feel the weight of social distancing. This weekend we spent time online looking at ways to eleviate the boredom and tips to avoid going stir crazy!

Of course, there are the things like read a book or listen to music but that can only distract most of us for so long.

Make a list of all the things you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t. Think of it as the Mother of All To Do Lists! Each day, try to knock one thing off the list. Maybe it’s something as simple as sorting old photos, try a new recipe, clean out the kitchen pantry and ridding your sagging shelves of all that expired product. The temperature is starting to improve and there is never a shortage of things to do around our homes and in our yards. From raking to cleaning the gutters, making windows sparkling clean and how about a good sweep of your front porch.

It’s important to balance the amount of screen time we get with getting up and moving, but this could be a great time to do some online courses, maybe start to learn a new language or even get rid of those temporary files that are slowing down your laptop.

Everything published tells us to keep some sort of schedule or routine.

Even though we feel like this is never going to end, it will eventually get better and we will all look back at 2020 and say “remember when”.

Until then … practice social distancing, enjoy the time this allows us with our families and pets (who seem to be thrilled at this extra time with their humans) and stay safe!

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